

MAKE IT A MEMORY Recently I found our old camcorder. An old fashioned model, grey, with that small screen that you can flip as you want. For the video recorder to work we had to put a tape ( which nowadays seems terribly old school but, to my mind it will be, and already now begins to become again a trend ).  This video camera that my parents bought, they used to draw it at any occasion when I was little, riding a bike, reading, at Christmas, with my grandfathers... and then more later when my sister was born, with both of us recorded by our parents. It was absolutely hilarious, because of course when you are a child you do things pretty forbidden, you are in your bubble and sometimes  you don't understand what is going on. But at the same time I got a little bit nostalgic to see and discover all those videos of us in our very childhood. You clearly see that life was quite distinct in the early twenties.  Besides, one of the things that I totally enjoy about a camcorder is


TRAILER - "IN AMERICA" JIM SHERIDAN This film opens up about the "journey" of a Irish family. We are following them through the perspective of two little girls Ariel and Christy, who are trying to make things right in their new life as they have just moved in America, in New York. From that, everything will be different in the big city, living among all these lights, opportunities, deceptions, and friendship. We will see how they manage to be happy together, how people grow, and deal with reinventing theirselves to escape some things. Are they going to improve what they have or everything will fall apart ? and how a loss of a child can change all they had ... The movie shows them in their appartement, in their daily life. Maybe they will meet new friends like Matteo, and being for one time insouciant, silly, and happy... and how love can reunite people no matter what and beyond tragedy and secrets.


Michelle Obama, symbol of the Dreamed American Woman "And if our parents and grandparents could toil and struggle for us... if they could raise beams of steel to the sky, send a man to the moon, and connect the world with the touch of a bottom... then surely we can keep on sacrificing and building for our own kids and grandkids. And if so many brave men and women could wear our country's uniform and sacrifice their lives for our most fundamental rights...then surely we can do our part as citizens of this great democracy to exercise those rights...surely, we can get to the polls and make our voices heard on Election Day. If farmers and blacksmiths could win independence from an empire...if immigrants could leave behind everything they knew for a better life on our shores...if women could be dragged to jail for seeking the vote...if a generation could defeat a depression, and define greatness for all time...if a young preacher could lift us to the mountaintop


Definition of the American Dream : The American Dream is a national symbol in the United States that characterize the beliefs or ideals of a community, nation or ideology, which can also refer to emotions, behaviours or morals. Democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity and equality are ideals which embody that concept and in which freedom is included prosperity, success and pursuit of happiness no matter the social class or the circumstances of birth. Documents 1&2 : - This first image might be representing the American Dream for various reasons. At first sight, the happiness is clearly exemplified. The three persons appearing in this drawing look like a perfect family with a perfect life. Indeed the father, the mother and the son all seem to have a great day off at a lake. They all smiling, looking at each other as if someone had just made a joke. Then, it suggests that the father has a pretty successful job because of all the things they have brought with them ; a boat


New Technology Helping Give Some The Ability To Walk : Despite all the criticisms that we can find and argue about new technologies, being in constant technological advances enable lots of life-changing inventions. Personally, I couldn't agree more with the fact that new technologies have the capacity to help some people. The one I chose illustrate for me the major advanced of these devices, and is called : Exoskeleton . I know the name can be a little bit scary but the goals of this machine are promising. In fact, this is a wearable robot, a kind of suit which permit and encourage people with serious issues to re-learn to walk. Many people are in wheelchair due to an accident and have lost their ability to move. As well as others who are born with palsy. These men, women or even children are stuck in a life that they haven't really chosen. On top of that, it isn't possible to them to do something without someone else. However, thanks to the help of exoskeleton, pe


"LOOK UP" VIDEO :  - What I understood is that the "look up" video is mostly about cell phones, and spending our time on the Net or social networks... Gary, the person who is talking, has more or less a negative vision of new technologies. For me, the video is divided in three parts : First, Online friends , then children who have been growing up with electronics devices and finally he speaks out about love and how finding our "soulmate"/ lover.  In the first part, he tells us, we can have plenty of friends on social medias but those "friends" have never seen us for real, listening to the sound of our voice or looking us right in the eyes. For him, this is only a illusion that we create, a self-interest... He even compares Internet as a world with informations sold by rich people who don't care about consequences... He says, we should be there for our friends and they will do the same for us, that we should (re)learn to coexist. F


2. DESCRIPTION / MEANING / PURPOSE : a) The cartoon might take place at an office. We can see two people there, two men, one's using a desktop computer and the other is just staring at him next to the desk. One of them seems pretty enthusiastic about what he is doing while the ginger man looks most annoying or maybe bored by the situation. b) In my opinion, the cartoonist wants to show us a concept fashionable which represent clearly our century and our generation. Internet plays a huge role in our life and it's very commun to talk/chat with someone else, friends or family by using internet, social networks or whatever. His goal is to demonstrate that sometimes we communicate mostly by internet while we should probably do it in real life, and also that we live more in a "virtual" world, instead of living in the real world. 3. IMPACT/ VIEWPOINT / BRANCHING OUT : a) Honestly, I think it's kinda representative of today's world. That it's true that we